Dear readers,

Welcome to my blog. Here I share content on the topics I encounter most in my daily practice. My work approach as well as my texts consist in sharing experiences and ideas so that exchange can take place. You are welcome to take away what seems valuable and useful and question what raises doubts.

I would like to point out that I do not use gender-neutral language in my blog texts. Even if I use it in other texts on my site.
It is generally very important to me to consider all readers equally. But when writing and reading the texts, (*) and (/) can often be irritating and here and there I oversee it.

Thank you for your understanding and your openness when reading my posts.

Yours sincerely,




My latest articles

Eifersucht kann erdrückend sein.

What I learned about jealousy in my counseling

Jealousy - a feeling we all know but are reluctant to admit This emotional state can put relationships to a test and, depending on how it is acted out, can also become very toxic. At the same time, jealousy is a human emotion that should not be condemned, but understood and dealt with.

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Ein Paar möchte an seiner Kommunikation arbeiten

Disrespectful out of habit...

how unconscious defense mechanisms affect our communication In our daily communication, especially in partnerships, it can quickly happen that we behave disrespectfully without wanting to or realizing it.

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Gegenseitiges Vertrauen in der Partnerschaft

Is there real trust in your relationship?

Trust is not always genuine. Trust plays a crucial role in a relationship, and most of the clients I speak to about this topic are sure that there is enough trust in their relationship. At the same time, there are often misunderstandings or arguments in your communication as a couple, which can be due to unconscious mistrust.

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Trennung überwinden

Mindfulness and self-compassion after a break-up

Separations are always hard; they require both physical and mental strength. They are accompanied by many changes and decisions, the results of which we cannot foresee. It often means moving on, even if you really want to give up.

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