Dear readers,
Welcome to my blog. Here I share content on the topics I encounter most in my daily practice. My work approach as well as my texts consist in sharing experiences and ideas so that exchange can take place. You are welcome to take away what seems valuable and useful and question what raises doubts.
I would like to point out that I do not use gender-neutral language in my blog texts. Even if I use it in other texts on my site.
It is generally very important to me to consider all readers equally. But when writing and reading the texts, (*) and (/) can often be irritating and here and there I oversee it.
Thank you for your understanding and your openness when reading my posts.
Yours sincerely,

My latest articles

What you should definitely avoid if you want your relationship to last and remain strong
So you want to work on your communication? Most couples who come to counseling want to improve their communication. This often involves avoiding arguments and escalation. Why is it not always efficient?

Understanding the circle of conflict: How communication patterns can strain your relationship
This text is only available in German and Spanish.

Strengths the weaknesses of communication in binational relationships
Challenges help to strengthen communication I have already written a lot about the challenges that binational couples face, especially when it comes to communication. I don't want to overlook the strengths

Unspoken expectations in the relationship
Expectations play a central role in every partnership. These expectations are often unspoken and have a hidden effect, which makes communication between partners challenging.

3 important rules for constructive arguments in a relationship
Arguing in a relationship is inevitable It can even play an important role by providing an opportunity to express different points of view and clear up misunderstandings. But we often get into...

Mindfulness and presence in relationships: a different way to harmonious togetherness
The concept of mindfulness has become increasingly important. We are familiar with it from meditation and personal development. Many people are therefore aware of how personal mindfulness can help us in...